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JELA Made It

SEO: Search Engine Optimization

SEO: Search Engine Optimization

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There are two ways to measure the success of business websites. You can check the page ranking within the internet search engines as well as the search engine result page. If you are a business website owner, you should use search engine
optimization while benefiting from the many tools and resources the internet has to offer your business. The downside to being a business website owner is that you have to ensure that internet traffic can actually find your business website. How will internet users know your website even exist if they can't find it? If you don't take the necessary steps to ensure your business website is ranked accordingly within the major search engines; they can't?

Search engine optimization can aid your business. SEO can place your business website possibly within the top ten results on the search engine results. Help from SEO will not only aid with increasing sales for your business website but also increase the flow of internet traffic to your business website.

INCLUDED: Free SEO Checklist

It's recommended that you print this checklist out so you can work side-by-side with the main ebook. The idea of this checklist is to mark off 1-by-1 what you've learned and had an understanding about.

Once you have had a full understanding of each chapter, topics, and
subject throughout the main ebook, simply check it off. A great way to
keep organized and not backtracking what you already have learned.

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